Closeup of snowdrop petals

Life Lately: February 2017

Another month down, oooof. I saw this quote the other day:

The days are long, but the years are short.

Both days and years are disappearing. There are places around here we want to explore on our bikes, a farm shop full of tasty food that needs raiding, I want to get out in the garden and we both have lots of projects to work on. Also, we still have a bottle of wedding bubbly on the bookshelf waiting to be cracked open 🙂

Patch of purple crocus


  • Too many Smarties. All of the packaging is recyclable, good excuse to eat more don’t you think?
  • Sunday lunch at our local pub
  • Pineapple cashew rice
  • An apple with peanut butter for breakfast; keeps me full until lunchtime most days


A series called Mountain Men. It follows the lives of people who live off grid in Northern US. We caught a few episodes on TV and then found out the series spans several years. So we are now watching it from the beginning. I have a soft spot for Tom and Nancy Oar.

New series of Homeland. Glad to have this back again.


Just One More Thing by Peter Falk. Great read! Each chapter is only a few pages long so it’s quite easy to pick up for a bit and put it down again without losing my place. Any Columbo fans will be all too familiar with Columbo’s raincoat. Well it turns out that coat was from Peter Falk’s real life wardrobe, rather than a prop department. I’m now officially a Columbophile.


At the beginning of the month we visited Spain for some much needed sunshine.

Armchair in the sun
Spanish living room

Scott was already out there for work and I met him a week later. He was waiting for me at Valencia airport and I was so pleased to see him after a week apart. He was pleased to see the big bag of snacks I had with me.

Pink cyclamen on sunny windowsill
Indoor cyclamen
Orange tree in the sun
Spanish oranges

We also visited family in Cornwall for a few days, even the ones who are no longer with us. He’s famous 🙂

Memory star in pavement
Galaxy of stars, Plymouth


February bought the dreaded lurgy. Scott was poorly in Spain and I was poorly just as we got back. We don’t get ill very often but when we do it seems to wipe us out. I’ve been adding liberal amounts of turmeric to our meals to give our immune systems a boost. Time to brew some turmeric milk I think.

Cluster of snowdrops

Signs of Spring are popping up everywhere. I’m itching to get going in the garden but it’s too early for planting seeds just yet.


Limmy II (our Christmas tree) lives on as a herb spoon. I whittled it for Scott’s Nan before we went out to Spain and only just finished it in time. I’m really pleased with it though. I put this one next to the spoon I made at the Making Winter Retreat and that one looked like a shovel in comparison!

Wooden spoon standing on end

That’s all for February. Next month brings Sunday lunch with friends, WordCamp London and hopefully knitting another sock so I can finish the pair I started in October. Oops.

Categories Life

6 comments on “Life Lately: February 2017

  1. Am itching for spring. I do love how your xmas tree has morphed into a spoon, brilliant idea.
    Your Spanish trip sounds like perfect timing, well done on the flying.
    Lovely round up, Gemma. Will check out the Peter Falk book – thanks for the tip.

    • Thanks for dropping by Gemma, I’m always pleased to see your face appear in my comments 🙂 Hope you enjoy the Peter Falk book, it made me laugh. Need to check out some of his earlier films next.

  2. What a lovely blog, Gemma! It’s fantastic to see such joy and artistry around very simple things. The spoon is brilliant and very beautiful, btw.

    • Thanks so much Lily! Sometimes the simple things are the best. Loved carving the spoon, I’ll have to make one for myself next time.

  3. It sounds like you had a great February (minus the getting ill part). I’m loving all the little signs of spring right now, and I can’t wait to get back out in the garden soon too. Will you be doing a post on the things you’ll be growing this year?
    Your trip to Spain sounds lovely! I’ve only ever visited the mainland once before to visit an old family friend for her wedding in Malaga, but the Valencia area looks amazing! Glad you had a great time!
    xo April | April Everyday

    • Yes I’m planning to write more garden posts in the next few weeks 🙂 Things are starting to look a little less swampy out there now, so I’ll be out there with my camera again very soon. Woooo!

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